713-256-8643 [email protected]

Professional Development for Financial Literacy

Why should I pay for professional development when it is free from other sources?

You have certainly heard the saying, “You get what you pay for.” Although this is not always 100% true, in the field of financial services, paying for objective, fee-only, experienced information and advice allows you to clearly understand the agenda of the provider. In D&A’s case, our mission is socio-economic transformation through quality, objective personal financial education (PFE). In other words, we hope to change the future of our students, communities, state, and nation through PFE.

You should pay the tuition for this course if you want:

  • a deep understanding of personal finances,
  • instruction from award-winning professionals,
  • to learn how to motivate your students to become financially secure
  • to help develop the thinking capacity of your students
  • to improve your instruction and probably score high in the T-TESS rubric
  • to develop a personal plan for becoming financially secure and independent
What course options do I have?

 All PD courses begin one week before the term starts. You will receive your license then. You must decide how you will take the course. There are two options:

1. Independent study, working at your own pace and asking for guidance only when needed.

2. You can work with a coach/mentor as the course engages your students. You must keep pace and we estimate it will require about two hours a week to keep-up. Once a week a thirty plus minute “office hour” Zoom session will be held with other teachers in the “class.” If you intend to participate in the Zoom discussions you will be expected to share your experiences with others.

Must I participate in Zoom meetings?

No, but, like your students, you want to encourage creativity, thinking, problem-solving and communication. Having a coach reviewing your thoughts should improve your professional abilities.

I was planning on using the material in this course to teach personal finances. Is this permitted?

The material in all Real Life courses is copyrighted but your PD course consists of the materials in the PFL&E for Real Life course. The focus of the PD is through your gaining understanding of Personal Finance & Economics, you will implement Bloom’s Taxonomy of higher level instruction, understand T-TESS rubric and gain understanding from materials developed from the Foundation of Critical Thinking. By practicing with your students, they and you should become better critical thinkers and problem-solvers and be more prepared to be of value in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.

If I complete professional development training and want to offer Real Life Financial Mathematics or Personal Financial Literacy & Economics for Real Life, what is the cost?
The cost varies based on the course, but the licenses can be as little as $30/student. This is probably less than what it would cost you photocopying charges to copy “free” materials from the internet. Complete CONTACT US form.
How do I enroll? When can I start?

Complete the CONTACT US form and you will receive the license to start within 48 hours of receipt of your payment.

PD is created to prepare you for teaching a thinking, problem-solving, cause and effect course. It will help you gain personal finance knowledge and understanding, apply that knowledge to your personal situation, and give you the confidence needed to bridge students into real life. PD is developed by Decker & Associates – award winning experienced financial professionals.

Click on the topics for more information - Frequently Asked Questions and Pricing. If you have more questions or wish to preview the course, please complete the CONTACT US form.